How to Stop The Self-Abandonment and Stay True To Yourself 

What is the Self-Abandonment Definition? Have you ever found yourself agreeing to plans you didn’t want to make, just to avoid disappointing someone? I’ve been there too, and as a holistic anxiety therapist for women I can tell you it’s EXTREMELY common. Self-abandonment is when we ignore our own needs, desires, and feelings in favor of pleasing […]

What You Need To Know About Your Window Of Tolerance and Anxiety

pink and white flowers

In today’s fast-paced world, anxiety is a common experience, often arising from our body’s response to stress. Understanding how our nervous system operates and how we can regulate it plays a crucial role in managing anxiety effectively. A key concept in this process is the “Window of Tolerance,” which refers to the optimal zone of […]

How Social Media Affects Mental Health: What You Need to Know

stack of newspapers and one says social media

In our modern world, now more than ever we are constantly inundated with a desire to be connected at every hour of every day. You know what I’m talking about…. social media. For many of the women I work with, these platforms aren’t just apps; they’re integral threads woven into the fabric of their everyday […]

Everything You Need To Know About How to Stop Putting So Much Pressure On Yourself

Hello everyone! As we dive into the vibrant energy of summer, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of activities, social gatherings, and endless to-do lists. While summer brings warmth and joy, it can also amplify the pressure we put on ourselves to make every moment “perfect”. In this blog post we’re going […]

6 Strategies to Help You Overcome Imposter Syndrome

  Do you ever feel like a fraud, despite evidence of your achievements and success? If so, you’re not alone. In 2020 a systematic review of 62 studies evaluated prevalence of imposter syndrome, showing rates as high as 56% to 82% in graduate students, college students, nurses, medical students, and other professions. These numbers are […]

Mental Health and A Dysregulated Nervous System: What You Need To Know

The human nervous system is a complex network that plays a crucial role in regulating our mental health and overall well-being. For individuals grappling with anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), trauma, depression, and stress-related health issues like gut problems, the conversation often centers around a dysregulated nervous system. This blog post aims to demystify the […]

7 Signs of High Functioning Anxiety and How to Get Over It

If you’ve ever found yourself relentlessly chasing perfection, overthinking decisions, or lying awake at night with racing thoughts, you might be experiencing high-functioning anxiety. Unlike its more overt counterparts, high-functioning anxiety often wears a disguise of achievement and relentless drive. Today, we delve into recognizing 7 signs of high functioning anxiety and some strategies to […]

Validation Techniques: Easy Ways to Enhance Self-Worth and Happiness

hand in the sunlight holding a small white flower

Have you ever felt misunderstood, unheard, or dismissed in a conversation? We’ve all been there. But what if there was a way to transform these interactions into meaningful connections? Enter validation. Validation is the key to unlocking better relationships, enhancing communication, and fostering empathy. In this blog post, we’ll explore the power of validation, its […]