Journey to Self-Love Workbook Cover


Journey to Self-Love Workbook (eBook)

60 pages of everything you need to assess your current view of self-love and create a sustainable self-love practice that works for you! Sent straight to your inbox. This is a downloadable eBook and can be saved to all devices.

With tools and strategies from a therapist to help you create unconditional self-love and acceptance.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the pressures of our modern world. The messaging that you need to do and be more in order to be worthy?

Is your inner critic constantly running the show, undermining your accomplishments and making you question your worth?

Do you find yourself trapped in a cycle of negative self-talk, struggling to see your own worth through a lens of kindness and compassion?

Have you ever felt at odds with your own reflection, wishing you could love and accept your body exactly as it is, UNCONDITIONALLY?

Are you seeking deeper, more meaningful relationships but find that a lack of self-love and respect is holding you back from forming relationships that feel easy and aligned?

If the journey to self-love feels overwhelming, know that you’re not alone. And I’ve got you! As a therapist who’s worked with 100’s of women on creating more loving, compassionate relationships with themselves, I created this Journey To Self-Love Workbook to help YOU. 

Imagine a life where you greet yourself with kindness, understanding, and love every single day. That’s why I created this Journey to Self-Love Workbook. It’s more than just a guide; it’s your personal companion on the journey to becoming your favorite self, designed to help you deepen your awareness of things that might be holding you back from self-love and create a new relationship with yourself, one filled with love, compassion, grace and understanding.

What’s Inside:

  • Personal Reflection Prompts: A mix of free form reflective journaling questions and fun quizzes to help you identify where your current self-love game is. You’ll get deeper insights into your personal challenges and identify growth areas.
  • Education: A Full Break Down on self-love for your mind, self-love for your body, and self-love in relationships.
  • Practical Strategies to Help You Build Self-Love: A blend of some of my favorite strategies for cultivating self-love. Each section has a full break down on self-love and easy, actionable things you can try to help build more self-love.
  • Daily Affirmations: 2 pages worth of my favorite affirmations for self-love to help you challenge negative self-talk.
  • Actionable Steps for Self-Care: Practical advice and strategies for incorporating self-care into your daily routine. Plus a 30-day self-care calendar to help you if you have no idea where to start! 
  • Mindfulness and Meditation Exercises: Techniques to center your thoughts and calm your mind, focusing on the present.
  • Strategies for Consistency: Everything you need to create a self-love promise, set realistic goals and intentions and set yourself up for success.
  • Morning and Evening Routine for Self-Love: I created some checklists with different things to include in your morning and evening routine for building self-love.
  • Printable Calendar + Intention Setting Pages: 5 different pages to choose what aligns most with you. This includes a weekly self-love check in page with questions to assess how your relationship with yourself looked each week, weekly + daily intention setting, daily gratitude + reflection pages and so much more!


Your Journey to Self-Love Begins Now. Grab Your copy of the Journey to Self-Love Workbook and begin to build a life where you love and accept yourself unconditionally.

After your purchase, you’ll be able to download instantly and start your Journey to self-love!


60 pages of everything you need to assess your current view of self-love and create a sustainable self-love practice that works for you! Sent straight to your inbox. This is a downloadable eBook and can be saved to all devices.

With tools and strategies from a therapist to help you create unconditional self-love and acceptance.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the pressures of our modern world. The messaging that you need to do and be more in order to be worthy?

Is your inner critic constantly running the show, undermining your accomplishments and making you question your worth?

Do you find yourself trapped in a cycle of negative self-talk, struggling to see your own worth through a lens of kindness and compassion?

Have you ever felt at odds with your own reflection, wishing you could love and accept your body exactly as it is, UNCONDITIONALLY?

Are you seeking deeper, more meaningful relationships but find that a lack of self-love and respect is holding you back from forming relationships that feel easy and aligned?

If the journey to self-love feels overwhelming, know that you’re not alone. And I’ve got you! As a therapist who’s worked with 100’s of women on creating more loving, compassionate relationships with themselves, I created this Journey To Self-Love Workbook to help YOU. 

Imagine a life where you greet yourself with kindness, understanding, and love every single day. That’s why I created this Journey to Self-Love Workbook. It’s more than just a guide; it’s your personal companion on the journey to becoming your favorite self, designed to help you deepen your awareness of things that might be holding you back from self-love and create a new relationship with yourself, one filled with love, compassion, grace and understanding.

What’s Inside:

  • Personal Reflection Prompts: A mix of free form reflective journaling questions and fun quizzes to help you identify where your current self-love game is. You’ll get deeper insights into your personal challenges and identify growth areas.
  • Education: A Full Break Down on self-love for your mind, self-love for your body, and self-love in relationships.
  • Practical Strategies to Help You Build Self-Love: A blend of some of my favorite strategies for cultivating self-love. Each section has a full break down on self-love and easy, actionable things you can try to help build more self-love.
  • Daily Affirmations: 2 pages worth of my favorite affirmations for self-love to help you challenge negative self-talk.
  • Actionable Steps for Self-Care: Practical advice and strategies for incorporating self-care into your daily routine. Plus a 30-day self-care calendar to help you if you have no idea where to start! 
  • Mindfulness and Meditation Exercises: Techniques to center your thoughts and calm your mind, focusing on the present.
  • Strategies for Consistency: Everything you need to create a self-love promise, set realistic goals and intentions and set yourself up for success.
  • Morning and Evening Routine for Self-Love: I created some checklists with different things to include in your morning and evening routine for building self-love.
  • Printable Calendar + Intention Setting Pages: 5 different pages to choose what aligns most with you. This includes a weekly self-love check in page with questions to assess how your relationship with yourself looked each week, weekly + daily intention setting, daily gratitude + reflection pages and so much more!


Your Journey to Self-Love Begins Now. Grab Your copy of the Journey to Self-Love Workbook and begin to build a life where you love and accept yourself unconditionally.

After your purchase, you’ll be able to download instantly and start your Journey to self-love!


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