The Basics
First off, I want to start by saying that there are SOOOO many different types of meditation and mindfulness exercises out there. I know it can be a really intimidating and overwhelming. Creating a practice that works for you will likely take some time and experimentation. My practice has evolved so much over the years, keep an open mind and you might surprise yourself with how your own practice evolves.
I’m going to go over some of the basics and that will hopefully help support you in beginning to develop a practice that you can be consistent with.
- Decide how much time you’d like to spend. While you’re starting to develop a practice, it can be helpful to set a timer. Even a few minutes every day will get you off to a great start.
- Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed and sit on a comfortable chair, bench, or cushion (You can sit on a floor but the longer your practice becomes, the less comfortable this will be).
- Close your eyes if that feels comfortable to you, or lower your gaze.
- Take a deep breath, notice any physical tensions or thoughts as they arise. Acknowledge them with kindness and invite them to relax and release.
- Take a mental note of how you’re feeling right now in this moment.
- Notice the natural rhythm of your breath. With every inhalation and exhalation finding more ease.
- When you notice that your mind has wandered, gently bring it back to the breath. In the beginning in can be especially helpful to have a mantra to focus your attention on during the inhales and exhales.
- When your timer goes off, take a deep breath. Notice any differences in how you feel now, vs. the beginning of your meditation.
- Take a moment to express gratitude for making the time to tune in and reconnect with yourself.